Tony Curtis, father to Jamie Lee, and actor from, amongst others, Some Like It Hot... has died...
Christopher Plummer joins Rooney Mara and Daniel Craig in this Hollywood remake of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo...
Like this one starring Thora Birch and Keira Knightley.
The Hole is a 2009 movie that is just getting its screening time in Malaysia now. Wonder what's the hold up about?
Anyway, the movie stars mostly unknowns, except Teri Polo (Meet the Parents) and Bruce Dern (Laura Dern's father, an actor in his own right, of course). Oh, and the kid from Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant, is in it as well. Chris Massoglia.
The Hole is about, yep, you guessed it. A hole in the ground. Two brothers found a hole in the basement of their new house. It's under lock and key but they opened it anyway, being naturally curious boys that they are. The pretty girl next door also got roped in and before they know it, their worst fears came to life and started attacking them.
They're all freaked out so they decided to go ask the previous owner of the house. Of course he told them it was all gloom and doom and they have face their fears head on in order to stop whatever it is that is coming out of the hole.
The movie itself was pretty okay. 3/4th of the movie, you're kinda on the edge, almost having a heart attack every 5 minutes. Yup, quite effectively scaring people and making them jump out of their seats. Even though sometimes cliched methods were used like loud noises and such, but still jolted you. If I were holding a tub of popcorn, it would have been all over me and the floor.
That's what I enjoyed most about the movie. I figured out what was happening a long time before any of my friends did. And they found it to be a turn-off because it was not scary anymore once you know what's going on.
The actors were not bad. Especially the kid who played Lucas. Nathan Gamble. Wow. Amazing scene when he was pulled down the pool and was saved by the brother.
All in all, it was not a waste of my money or my time. And after the movie, we were all hungry for a pepperoni pizza. :)
First of all, thank you to Advertlets for inviting me to the preview of Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole. Really appreciate it... They even asked me if I was coming to the preview of The Other Guys... haven't had time to do the write up, hopefully I'd get it done soon... :)
Anyway, on to the review... (go to my pal's blog for his take on the movie...)
First of... this movie sounded like it was an Aussie/NZ project or at the very least The Association of Actors with Accents.... hehe, not that it's a bad thing coz it made the owls have regal air or a bit dignified... in any event, the movie boasts the who's who in the industry... talents like Ryan Kwanten of True Blood, Oscar winners Geoffrey Rush and Helen Mirren, Sam Neill and fantasy movie staples Hugo Weaving and David Wenham.
The movie is directed by Zack Snyder. Yup, the guy that directed 300. So that's why the movie has all of the war fight slow-mo move.
To tell you the truth, I have not heard of this movie before or bothered to google it before watching. I only watched the trailer at Advertlets website. So I did not know whose voice goes where and all that...
At first glance, the movie is great. Nice animation work. Nice graphics and rendering. Or is it coloring. Either way, it's all nice.Yup, MNSS. If you watch Lady in the Water or The Last Airbender, then you'd understand what I mean. It's like taking The Lord of the Rings trilogy and boiling it down to a two hour movie.
Guardians started out with a nice view and then a majestic owl flying and hunting. Then it arrived home to feed it to its young. The owlets were playing roles from a legend they'd heard from the parents. Somehow or rather the owlets got captured when they fell from the tree and was taken to a far off place where they were forced to be either slaves or soldiers. One of them escaped and flew away to find the Guardians to help rescue everybody and bring the evil owls down.
That's basically the story. It felt a bit rushed. The legend was told once during the role playing and then... BOOM! They're transported right into the legend. But we don't really know it's the legend until after the owlets were told to go get help from The Guardians.
The Guardians were found without much hassle. Scouts were sent. Owlets were trained. Big battle ensued. Dust settled. We see the winner. And of course, there's a hint of a second movie. See? Rushed.
But the quirky supporting characters kinda elevated the movie a bit, providing some of the funnier moments, despite the seriousness of their quests.
Like I said, this movie is like The Lord of the Rings boiled down... not that it's bad. It's quite good. But I can't imagine bringing children to watch this because the battle scenes were quite graphic and the scare/thrill factor was quite high. Either way, despite the shortcomings and the MNSS, this movie is better than anything *cough* The Last Airbender *cough* that we've seen this summer.
Legends of the Guardians at Pavilion 8pm, thanks to Advertlets... see you there! :)
M Night Shyamalan's producing and writing... hopefully it'd be better than when he's directing... sigh...
It's so pretty and mysterious... okay, okay, it's the more famous of the other owls... coz of it's starring role in all of the Harry Potter movies... yup, that's right... Hedwig's a Snowy Owl...
See? Pretty... and famous... hehehe
Advertlets is gonna have a screening of Legends of The Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole on the 20th of September... and I wanna go see it... for those of you who also want the exclusive tix, go here --> http://www.advertlets.com/weblog/2010/09/06/advertlets-presents-legend-of-the-guardians-the-owls-of-gahoole-movie-screening-in-3d-this-20th-september-2010/
... and see if you guys can get in on the bandwagon as well... by the way, Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin to everyone... :)
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